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Willow's Weep


Awaken from your slumber, my beautiful rose
Though if you are dreaming, I dare not impose
Here, 'neath the willow's weep where we lie
Eyes looking out at the now autumnal sky


There, where the sun sets - such rare amber   hue 
I am blessed to be here;  to share such a view
With you, I would share all my moments like this
So show me your hand,   I'll ask for your kiss 


Lay your sweet head, once again, in my arms
Feel the soft breeze bringing with it,  a calm
Listen as the thrush sings his last summer song
May this moment be with us our whole life long

Coming of Winter


When at the setting of the autumnal sun
When Alba's weary winter has begun
Man and animal, their shelters build
For the coming of snow upon the hill


When first frost freezes each leaf grown
When auld Jack Frost, his face has shown
Atlantic winds blast through, like death
His dark shadow casts an icy breath


When short are the days; long the  nights
When wood fire burns to embers bright
All living things will  
coorie in for warmth
First, gathering before the coming storms


When lochs and burns are turned  to ice
When woodland creatures retreat to hides
Not seen again til Mother Nature brings
The sweetest scent of glorious spring



Wha kens o thin   places whaur magick exists?
Amang the flora an fauna, whaur faeries dae kiss
Sic bliss is neer miss'd bi the saul   o the poet
'Tis mine ain saul ah bare; ah'm nae feart tae shaw it


Tae speik o thin places whaur divine airt's display'd
An the soon   aw   aroon,   'tis  eer sae naturally play'd
Tae describe in verse -   thon sicht, soon,  an smell
Enchants imagination  as tho boon  bi true spell


O, wee folk an faeries, in ancient kingdoms   dae bide
Tho frae the gaze o mankind, thae   sae aften hide
Fir 'tis true, we loast touch sic a lang time ago
Man'll vanish  the laun  insteed o lettin it grow


 Tho thir's   mony guid fowk  wha   stravaig  wild heather
Wha dae   see thro, an see true colour an splendour
An bring us the airts; in aw   thair graundest o forms
An bless us wi  happiness, joy, peace, an warmth

New Stars


Every day we think of you 
Even though you're gone
Your soul is with the stars above
Though, your memory lives on
Here, on Earth; with those you loved
And those who loved you dearly
Only need to speak your name
To see your face so clearly


'Tis true, you were taken far too soon
Though, our love and bond are strong
At night, we look up to the sky
To see new stars being born
All of us keep smiling too
For 'tis true, this is not the end
Time will come when we're called home
And it's then that we'll meet again

She Is


She is my lover, my saviour, my muse
My bonnie, my starlight sublime
She is my angel, my treasure, my true
My sweetheart of perfect design


She is the twinkle who inhabits my eye
The lass who has captured my heart
She is the dream that I have on each night
The last kiss that I steal as we part


I'll see her again, in a land  of my dreams
For I know  she'll be waiting for me
We'll go hand in hand - eternal, it seems
Never leaving this sweet reverie

Wild   Erin

Tho' rain may fall   as skies loom grey
I watch silent, the stormy  sea crash ashore
Listening to the roar of waves as they spray
With the wild wind whipping up more

In this enchanting land, I stand enchanted
Where tales  were  told of old Irish folklore
The land where Fianna warriors commanded
Where true laochra lived long ago

Birthplace of legends and leaders of men
Who thrived    here, on Erin's northerly shore
Tall grew the trees of Antr
im's green glens
The 'Dord Féinne' 
was the warrior's roar

It is here I feel peace; a sense I belong
With a familiar feeling, I've been here before
As I stand on the land of my ancestors past
Only now does the rain start to pour

Tho' rain does fall from skies now grey
I watch silent, the stormy sea crash ashore
Listening to the roar of waves as they spray
With the wild wind whipping up more

The Ghaist o Waulkmill Glen


Ane daurken'd nicht, as a bluid   Mune rose fu
An ae cauld, eerie blast - wi'oot warnin - cam    thro
Ah wis oan thon auld gate thit gangs thro the glen
Whin biddin guid nicht tae the teugh haunts o men
An aye,   tis true   thit ah'd haen a sowpe or twa
Tho neer tae the point thit ah'd bin proppin up the baur
Sae wi a wee heid oan, ah wis richt tae tak thon gate
Tho neer did ah ken whit unhaly hell lay in wait
Fir tis sayd thit this laun   haed bin  curs'd lang ago
An the laird o the glen   wha haed 
bade   thair afore
Wis the ghaist wha appear'd tae frichten the weans
Wi blackest velvet cloak, tap hat, an cane
Een rid-rimm'd an black, lik  the deepest abyss
An ivry tap o his cane  thro thon thick creepin   mist
Wuid sen ten tingles up an doon ony man's spine
Frae the haurdiest o men, tae the devoutly   inclin'd
As the bricht lichts ahent grew eer faurther awa
Twis then - in thon daurkness - then thit ah saw
A black figure appear,   as tall as twa men
Twis nane er thin the ghaist o Waulkmill Glen 
Ah gasp'd sic a gasp - fir the tales - thae   wir true
As ah stuid - hair oan end  - froze in mine shoes
Shuir   enouch, his ain een star'd back blacker thin coal
Nae langer wis he jist a story bein told
An as he drew closer,   wi each tap o his cane
Ah sweir - in thon daurkness - he did caw ma name
An wi  that - ah wis aff - ah did tak tae ma heels
Back doon thon auld gate, an doon past the fields
Syne thon daurken'd nicht, whin the bluid   M
une rose fu
Ah'v   neer bin back near thon auld gate thit gangs thro
An ah'll gie a sterk warnin tae ony brave men
Treid    nae near the haunt o the ghaist o the glen

New Morn

Such gentle breeze does sea air bring
The tail of South Atlantic wind
To and fro it slowly flings
Sweet spring scent of flowers new
They sway, glistening in the new morn's dew

Éadan Mór

Ancient kingdom, warriors roar
Bold mac Báetáin, Éadan Mór
Men of honour;   tribal pride
Heads unbowed, side by side
Call to arms, the battle cry
For men to live, men must die
Pray for passage if death awaits
Grant me courage to meet my fate
The final hour, the battle drum
Beating hearts now beat as one
Sword & shield, the bravest men
Of Ulaid's hills,   of Aontroim's glens

The Stravaiger


In wyld  Arra-Gháidheal, whaur mo  chridh'  stravaigs free
Oh, thir's nary a place thit ah'd raither be
Thon sweet scent  o samhradh   waftin in  gentle breeze
Thro Alba's lush grein kintra, thin owre hir   choppy seas


Tae Eilean Arainn, whaur Gaoithe Bheinn kisses the sky
Oan the isle o the adders   -   eer sae shy
Is a calmness,  the lik   o which,  ah'v   niver known
In this place o mine birthplace, mine kintra, mine home


Frae Claonaig tae Ceann na Creige;   owre   Cinn Tìre's hills
Naurin day's aynd - noo come soo'wast chills
Still, it fills me wi wonder tae wander an lose
Masel here, in the hairtlaun   o  sic  braithtakin views


Thin oan tae auld Ìle, whaur uisge beatha warms the soul
The ceòl  thae play thare   haes mine  ain chridh'  stole
Wi thon sweet scent   o samhradh  waftin in  gentle breeze
Oh, thir's nary a place thit ah'd raither be

The Brae


Darkness setting in  earlier each night

November's  Moon shines a steadying glow

Coldness creeps fast, turning water to ice

The fields covered in brilliant white snow


Walking this road well-known to me

To the place where I played as a child

I am lost in my fondest memories

Of roaming around in the wild


The flow of the brock, never-ending

So I sit alone, lost in its sounds

I imagine past peoples walking this   path

Then me treading the very same ground


Painted black sky, infinite pinholes of light

Raise my vibration as  I lay gazing in awe

How I wish I could stay til night becomes day

On the brae, where the view is sae braw

This Life


This life has been kind to me, my love
For it has brought me here, to you
This life has been kind to me, my love
For I followed my heart here, to you


This life has been kind to thee, my love
For it has given you the gift of warmth
This life has been kind to me, my love
For you're the calm who quells my storm


This life has been kind to me, my love
For it has given me your heart to hold
This life has been kind to thee, my love
For 'tis your own heart that lets it be so


This life has been kind to thee, my love
For you are truly the purest of souls
This life has been kind to me, my love 
For our memories shall never grow old


Brock Burn


Ah see ye thair, in thon wind bush,  hidin

Yir wee burra hame, whaur ye'v   ay bin bidin

An  me sat here whilst quietly writin

Jist tae catch a glance

O yir wee bunnle new

Tak thair first chance


Aw   fluffy an  fuzzy, ay  dairtin  aboot

Doon bi the loch; whaur rise the broon troot

Whaur paths hae been trodd'n bi mony a foot

An  ah dae ken unco   weel

Thais   saft   rollin  hills

An how mine ain hairt feels


Sic serenity resides here, unner shelter o  oak

Wi  sweet smell o  cherry frae wid burnin  smoke

An  the eer gentle flawin  soon   o  the brock

As it trickles oan thro

Fills my being wi  warmth

Mine clarity renew'd

Arthur's Croass


In Arthur's lea, thair sits his croass 
Layin clame   tae aw afore it
It yince wis loast; noo haes bin fun
An a puckle  weel-kent   men  did restoir it


Tae former glorie, quhich yince it held
Owre   a thoosan yeir afore
Tho worne   an widderit  bi Alba's past
Still, it tak's pryde o place in folklore


Mac   Áedáin, the man thae cawed 'The King'
Thae  erectit  the stane in his hoanour
It stands   in the land   o thys ancient man
An mine ain toon, it  luiks   doon upoan hir


Sae  heir's tae ye, Arthur -  Dux bellorum

In remembrance o lang syne   pass'd
Ah'm nae the first wi  knoulege tae speik
An shuir enough, ah'll nae eer bi the last

Dál Riata


Ethereal mist surrounds the stones
In Dál Riata's land of ancient past
Where lie the tribe of rested bones
Stand symbols of power built to last
Stones that  stand on sacred ground
Still withstanding the test of time
Alongside remnants of burial mounds
With their age-old, carved designs
The once-thriving cridhe na rìoghachd
Dùn Ad rising from a'    Mhòine Mhòr
Where stood great kings of hill & loch
In time of peace; in time of war
Through these glens, souls    still remain
Their many    memories fill   each space
I feel the    blood flow  through my veins
I am a part of this historical place



On through the wild and winding wood
Where nestle birds with new spring brood
Where the foraging fox finds his food
I ramble, imbued with a sense of true inner peace
In awe of this rousing, timeless masterpiece

The Creag


Quhilest thon   wast wind blaws ae haurdy gale

An rain faws fast, oan thon wind-blastit   trail

E'en et times,  turnin frae rain tae hail

Still, oanward ah mairch

Up bi Johnny’s well

Unner the auld airch


Unner the auld airch, an owre   bi  the hey bales

Up the auld  fort;   tae whaur the wind wails   

A graund   settin   fir sae mony braw  tales

The brave men wha mairchit

Intae battle or Hell

In a time noo passit


A  time noo passit;   still, fragments thit remain

Oan sacrit   laun,  whaur fast faws the rain

Unwritten history - faces wi nae names  

Twad bi sad nae tae tell

A wee tale or twa

O the men wha here  fell


The men wha here  fell   unner imperial   reign

In an age lang ago;    in a laun   faur frae hame 

Forest coverit wilderness  nae yit tame

Fierce   fechtin  thae did face

Eitch   slayn yin bi yin

Oan this grun, this   sacrit   place

Bluebell Sunday


Sic a beautiful sicht thit eer ye'll see
Ae sea o newest blue, surroonit bi trees
Faither's  haun creatit sic picturesque vibrance
An gied   us the sangbyrd tae brek hauntin silence


O, aw   men behaud the airt o beauteous  natur
An  aw ken tae, thit nae man cuid  it bi   tam'd   fir
Sic precious a gift shuid neer bi taen fir grantit
Bless'd new life springs frae whaur it wis plantit


Come rain or come shine,  in the middle o May
Ah urge ony guid  fowks   tae gang gar   merry way
Tae Creag wuid, an catch sicht o ae   wondrous marvel
Ah'll assure ye  aw richt noo,  'tis   well worth the travel


An gin   yir luck's guid, lik  mine oan thon day
Ye'll catch a wee swatch o the Bizzard thare  tae
Wha'll gie a wee shaw owreheid,   lik   she's dauncin
Sic splendour tae see; whin ye caw oot,  she's answerin


'Tis sic a beautiful sicht thit eer ye'll see
In thys  auld   laun   thit wis giftit   tae ye an tae me
Fir Alba, mine  freens, she truly is oor  ain   bonie  country 
An ah'm  sae unco   thankfu   fir thon braw bluebell Sunday

As Night Falls


See the sun setting o'er the brae
As the day slips away into night
Hear the songbird's final tune
Cold M
oon's glow slowly shines bright


See the old badger, through keenest of eyes
Foraging    through bracken and bush
Hear the tawny owl's "twit-twoo, twit-twoo!"
Echo hauntingly   down through the whoosh


The hedgehog hurriedly scurries along
A scurrying through hedgerows he goes
Bats flap furiously through the night sky
Always darting up high, then down low


Wood pigeon roost in the birch by the burn
Near where the willow trees grow
The fox, he trots on in his journey of one
Leaving nothing but prints in the snow




As ah lee aneath the starnie   firmament, ah gaze in amazin awe
Tho how ah ken, in time, thit dawn'll cam, thin   paintit canvas faw
As eer, the morn chorus syne the birth o man'll play   oot naturs sang
A melodie   in tune wi the angel's voice,  noo   droon'd oot amidst the thrang
Let nae man hear it, unless he quiet his mind   an daur tae find his path 
Tae brek free o the rat race soon   an tak the shackles aff

Le Do Thaobh


Táimse in éineacht leat, a ghrá
Táimse anseo le do thaobh
Táimse in éineacht leat, a ghrá
Mairfidh ár ngrá go deo

The North 


This rich, rugged landscape of mountains & lochs
Where snow-capped peaks meet the skies
This timeless terrain of auld cairns & brochs 
In the north, where the great eagle  flies


This is the land of the tall  standing stones
Home of the ancient warrior races
Brave men of the hill, seed of the Gael
Strong  Pict men with fierce,   painted faces


This spacious place, where eyes are inspired
Past peoples who ventured these trails
True harmonies   sung   by   high-flying choir
O'er fire, spoke historic tales


This land  is the land of my ancestral home
Where the deer roam wild & free
If this be all that I've ever known
At least I'll have known the true me

Dùn Mòr


Rambling along the Dùn Mòr trail, scrambling over rocks
This beaten path beneath my feet; the ground on which I walk
Could tell a thousand tales or more, of a thousand years now past
Remnants of another time lie still among the grass


Standing at the guard post, looking back from whence I came
At the standing stone which stands alone; is all that now remains
The entrance to this once-great fort, to see with mine own eyes
A glimpse of auld Argyll's heart under a Gaelic sky


Ascending to the summit - the breathing place of the Gael
I'm suddenly met with such a sublime view, a painting yet unveiled
Looking out o'er Loch Fyne;  across the roaring sea so vast
In this land steeped in our history, I hear echoes of the past


Descending from the summit, on down by the rocky crag
I gaze down at my trodden trail, where stands the majestic stag 
Though only for a second, but for that second, our eyes meet
To the ancient king of the forest, I give a nodding greet


Journeying back along the trail, across the babbling burn
With just enough time for to sit awhile; to catch the setting sun
I walk alongside the lochan;    there, I    sit between darkness and light
As the sun sets beyond the horizon, I watch as day becomes night

An Cailín Domsa


Ó, a chéad ghrá, a ghrá mo chroí
Tá tú an cailín domsa 

A chéad ghrá, a chuisle mo chroí 
Tá tú i gcónaí liomsa

Ó, a chéád ghrá, a ghrá mo chroí
Tá grá agam ortsa

A chéad ghrá, a chuisle mo chroí 
Tá mé i gcónaí leatsa

Ó, a chéad ghrá, a ghrá mo chroí
An mbeidh tú ag damhsa?

A chéad ghrá, a chuisle mo chroí 
Led' thoil damhsa liomsa

Ó, a chéad ghrá, a ghrá mo chroí
Go deo beidh mé leatsa

A chéad ghrá, a chuisle mo chroí 
Go deo an cailín domsa


Jist Yin Mare


Kin   naehin    bi sayd fir jist   yin mare?

Ah  sweir - in the morn - ma   heid micht bi sare
Tho thais   rare times in   
life   wi   uisge an   freens

We   maun  mak the best o   thais eer-fleetin   dreams


Sae jist yin mare;   fir the guid o mine   health
raise   a wee   dram     wi a tale thit   ah've telt
In braid Lallans tae;  quhich mony   
guid men hae spak
Ramsay, Fergusson, an Burns   ur  weel worthy o that


Tho mony    dae speik in thon   braw Scots  tongue
A  tongue spaken  amang    baith the auld an the young
Sae   ah'll raise a  dram again, an  say "slàinte!" tae   aw     thaim
Afore ah maun tak   tae the  daurk   nicht    an mak
ma wy hame

Golden Leaves

Golden leaves now leave their trees, falling with the rain

Parting softly from each branch; one day will grow again
The promise of a bountiful spring - for now - shall have to keep
The time has come for Barleycorn to rest his head and sleep


Golden leaves now leave their trees, scattering with the wind 
Breezing along the Crinan banks as autumn's time begins
The din  of people passing through, now quieting  by the day
The rays of a setting summer sun slowly  start to fade away


Golden leaves now leave their trees, acquainting with the morn
Passing through a new day's light that brings a new day's dawn
The amber or deep golden-browns fall down, from way up high
The perfect  picturesque setting would catch  the artist's eye


Golden leaves now leave their  trees, dancing with the day
Fluttering to their mother's heartbeat, such is nature's way
The seasons are ever-changing; with the waning of the light
We'll bid farewell to seasons past  and welcome in the night


Sióga an Ghleanna


Mar thrasnaigh mé an  trá go dtí an dún
Bhí   an ghrian ag scoilteadh na gcloch

Bhí tonnáin ar an loch 's leoithne bhog samhraidh
Rinne mé scíth a   ligean ann le haghaidh deoch


Ansin tháinig mé go dtí mo chéad chosán eile

Chuaigh mé ag fánaíocht tríd an gcoill
Ar   an mbealach  go dtí    an áit ina gcónaíonn na sióga
Gar don seanchrann darach sa ghleann ceoil


Bhí sé ann, gur chonaic mé beirt   sióga ag pógadh
Ach níor leomh mé cur isteach ar a bpaisean

D'fhág mé braon bainne mar bhronntanas dóibhsean

Mar a bhí mé ag urramú ár seanthraidisiúin


Mo Shinsir


D'imigh an Ghrian faoi bhun na spéire
Thar sléibhte na tíre   ar a   dtugtar  Éire
Shíl mé ar mo shinsir  féin, a tháinig romham
Is sa nóiméad  aonair sin a scaoileadh mo bhrón


Mar a sheas mé ar an talamh mo shinsir
Bhí a fhios agam ansin,   go raibh mé cinnte
Bhí siad ina seasamh ann díreach in aice liom

Is iad mo réaltaí eolais iad atá anseo i gcónaí dom


Is é seo an áit ina mbaineann mo chroí
Táim   i bhfad níos láidre anseo i ngach slí
Nuair a thagann an t-am do mo chodladh síoraí
Beidh mo luaithreach scaipthe ó chósta Chiarraí

Aoibh Gháire


Inniu beidh mé ag dul go dtí an trá
Toisc go bhfuil an aimsir go breá
Táim   ag dul go dtí an trá, a ghrá
Ar mhaith leat siúl liomsa?
Taispeáin  do aoibh gháire milis domsa


Inniu beimid ag dul go dtí an trá
Toisc go bhfuil an  ghrian   go breá
Táimíd ag dul go dtí an trá, a ghrá
Tá tú anseo anois liomsa

Taispeáin   do aoibh gháire milis domsa


Inniu táimíd ag siúl ar feadh an trá
Toisc go bhfuil an lá seo go breá
Táimíd ag siúl ar feadh an trá, a ghrá
An bhfanfaidh tú anseo liomsa?

Taispeáin do aoibh gháire milis domsa

Nae Weel


Snotters galore is the sicht thit we   see
His fuzzy wee heid nae grinnin wi glee
Fir the day, he's nae weel - a terrible shame
Nae nursery aither, fir he's haed tae sty hame


Thae caw it the cauld; it's knoackit   him fir six
The neb ran awa, sae noo he jist sits
Puff-eyed an quiet, fir 'tis nae lik him at aw
The quietest we'v   heird; the stillest  we'v   saw


The wee chiel's nae weel - whit a terrible shame
Darn ye, auld cauld, 'tis ye   wha's tae blame
Sae tae   gar   ye awa; he'll stairt gettin better
An the warmest o weather'll tak place o the wetter

Cats an Dugs


Cats an dugs    ur rare wee freens
Weel-kent fir the qualities thae hae
Mare sae thin the average man, it seems
O, wratchit cratur made frae clay


Slowly, she unfurled her soft
Jasmine-scented hair
Her curvaceous, shapely figure 
Silhouetted in the moonlit window
With the ease of the gentle, night-time breeze
Leisurely, she made her way over
I longed for, what felt like an eternity

Caressing her warm, nubile lips
As soft as summer clouds 
Both our bodies intertwined   as one
From a single kiss
Until the dawning   of the fresh   morn's sun
Wrapped in each other's arms
A moment forever etched in memory
The passage of time
Grants us only  a few such blessed times
Before our light  must fade, like dying stars

As Nicht Fa's


See the sun settin owre the brae
As the day slips awa intae nicht
Hear the sangbird's final tune
Cauld M
une's glaw slawly schynes bricht


See the auld brock thro keenest o een
Foragin thro bracken an bush
Hear jenny hoolet's "twit-twoo, twit-twoo!"
Echo hauntinly doon thro the whoosh

The hurcheon   hurriedly scurries alang
A scurryin thro heedgeraws, he gangs   braw
Bawkies flap furiously thro the nicht sky
Aywys dairtin up hich, thain doon law


Cushie doos roost in the birk bi the burn
Near whaur the sauchen trees graw
The tod, he trots oan in his journey o yin
Leain naehin but prints in the snaw

Temple Wood


Shafts of sunlight passed through
The grove of vibrant green oak
Shone upon stone, an ochre  hue
With a song, the new dawn broke


Gone away, the night; star-laden sky
Heavenly blue that had replaced
Then from the cool shade, I stepped
To feel a warmth that bless'd my face


This auspicious place of   sacred sites
Where I walked between two worlds
Of whispering trees and   ancient rites
Where the subtlest wind does swirl


Wave-rounded stones, hard underfoot
Encircling the Druidical circle
Under soil and stone; where roots lie
This  hallow'd ground of ancient ritual

The Last Wolf 


Nae mare tae houl aneath the pale dusk Mune 
Nae mare tae treid grein airth unner licht abune
Nae mournfu cry thro thick forests an great glens
Fir ye haed met yir aynd et the hauns o feart men


Nae mare tae sowpe frae the cauld flawin burn
Nae mare tae be sparit frae the huntin man's gun
Nae weel-kent caw soons owre snaw-peakit bens
Fir ye haed met yir aynd et the hauns o feart men


Nae mare tae tak care o yir wee whimperin whelps
Nae mare tae stalk prey in thys laun whaur ye fell
Nae langin lament, nor wet an wyld musky scent
Fir ye haed met yir aynd et the hauns o feart men

Luchóg Bheag


Dia dhuit, a luchóg bhig
Cónaí i do theach
Bail ó Dhia ort, a luchóg bhig
Ag tabhairt aire mhaith ar do d'óg

Owre the Brae


Owre the brae went thon last licht o dusk
Noo daurkness creeps in wi the nicht
Awa gaun thon cloods that coverit blae sky
Staun gazin at a maist magickal 
 an wunnersome sicht


Owre the brae went thon last licht o dusk
Mirkenin maijestie o firmament abune
Revealit noo, the richt brawest o starnie   nichts
That gangs alang wi a wee sangbirds feenal e'en tuin


Owre the brae went thon last licht o dusk
Depairtin frae a maist beauteous day
Tae oor bricht Mune glentin proodly owreheid
Mither Airth, in aw   her glorie, gie's us aw ae gra
und display

© All poetry written by   Stravaiger

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